The CCA is a nonprofit volunteer group of individuals who have found that consumers are not always aware of the various devices, technologies, organizations and agencies available to them that can help provide the communication access they need to lead a full, active and productive life.
Among the technologies that are not well known to many with hearing loss is Audio Frequency Induction Loop Systems ( AFILS) now more popularly called hearing loops. Hearing loops, coupled with the telecoils in hearing aids, can dramatically increase the users' ability to hear without the need to remove their hearing aids and put on earphones or ear buds.
There is also a huge variety of assistive devices that supplement hearing aids or otherwise provide communication assistance to those with hearing loss. The CCAnm worked with the Advisory Committee for Hearing Loss Awareness in creating a series of fact sheets and brochures that present information and review some of the more popular assistive devices.
Below are links to material on hearing loss and assistive technology.
About assistive technology
Hearing Loss Association of America Guide to Hearing Loops ................
Fact sheet on the telecoil .........................................................................
Advisory Committee brochure on assistive devices.................................
Fact sheet on hearing loss ........................................................................
Fact sheet on hearing aids ........................................................................
Fact sheet on buying hearing aids ............................................................